
Flora of Fuvamulah

I was impressed by the incredible biodiversity as I traveled around “Fuvahmulah,” translated as (“the island of Aeracanut palms”). Since it is the third-largest island and the only coral atoll in the Maldives without a protecting lagoon, Fuvahmulah stands out from the other coral atolls in the nation. The island is left to itself, open …

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ކާބޯތަކެތި ކަމީރު/ރާމާ ކުރުން

ބެކްޓީރިއާ އޭ ބުނުމުން ސިފަވަނީ ބަލިފަތުރާ ޖަރާސީމެވެ. ވަކިން ހާއްސަކޮށް  ކޮވިޑް ފެތުރިފައިވާހިނދުގައެވެ. ވައިރަސް، ބެކްޓީރިއާ، ފަންގަސް އޭ ބުނުމުން ބިރު ހީވެ ސެނަޓައިޒް ފުޅި އާދިމައަށް އަތް ދިއްކޮލެވެއެވެ.   ނަމަވެސް ބެކްޓީރިއާގެ ތެރޭގައިވެސް ރަނގަޅު ބޭނުންތެރި ބަޔަކާއި ގެއްލުންތެރި ވައްތަރުތަކެއް އުޅެއެވެ. އަދި ކޮންމެ ޖަނަވާރެއްގައިވެސް އެމީހެއްގެ މާހައުލާއި އުޅުމާއި އުމުރާ ހެދި އެހައްޓެއްގައި އެކުލެވިފައިވާ މައިކްރޯއޮގަނިޒަމްގެ އަދަދާއި ވައްތަރުތައް ތަފާތެވެ. ހަށިގަނޑުގެ އެކި ގުނަވަންތަކުގައިވާ މައިކްރޯބް ޖަމާއަތްތައް ވަޒަންވެރި ވެ އާލާ ވެއެވެ.  ހަށިގަނޑާއި …

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The scent of common Jasmine

Some flowers are adored for their beauty, intricacy, and some for their purposefulness. Humans use flowers in a variety of ways. Certain flowers are premium herbs, while others are natural dyes to color fabric, food, and edible flowers are used in cooking to arouse human senses.  Jasmine, sometimes spelled “jessamine”, in Maldivian lifestyle symbolizes communal …

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Culinary Workshop

Cultured Kitchen This home-based culinary workshop invites you, to discover, to learn the know-how on making probiotic drinks, fermented milk products, and to find ways to add nutritious legumes and pulses into your food regiment by growing microgreens and sprouting of beans. The objective of the workshop is to understand whilst being able to nurture …

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Local Superfoods.

This article is featured in Ka Leo He n’ She Maldives The father of modern medical science, Hippocrates said: “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food”. The saying still holds water across borders, culture and time. The prospect of food as medicine is a core belief in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Today, in modern medicine, validated …

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